Friday, March 21, 2008

Princesses DON'T Wear Glasses!

Every time my daughter chooses to dress up like Aurora I am told that, "Princesses DON'T wear glasses!" My first reaction was to reassure Isabelle that princesses wear glasses when they need glasses. Over the last couple of weeks as the princess phase has begun full force I have been told that NO princesses wear glasses. We have begun having battles over Izzy wearing her glasses. I'm not quite sure what to do about it. I usually relent when she is playing dress up, but her lazy eye seems to be getting worse and at our last visit the doctor talked about patching. So, I have really been pushing the glasses. I relaxed for a week or two. I only MADE her wear them when we were out and about or when she was going to school. When she was home she didn't have to wear them. Then I started to see the crossing again. So...back in the glasses as much as possible.

After really thinking about what Isabelle had said I went over all of the princesses that I know of. She is right! Princesses don't wear glasses. I don't even think that in all of the Disney Princess movies that we have (Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid) not one person other then men are wearing glasses. What kind of a message does that send to our little girls. I have tried reasoning with her explaining that she is beautiful in her glasses and that it is much better to be able to see then not to see. She doesn't budge. She has almost cried on some mornings as we are getting ready to go to school and I make her put them on. She wants to be beautiful. She says that her glasses make her look cute, not beautiful. This child has always been told from day one that she is beautiful and we have done our utmost to build and encourage her self esteem. But glasses seem to be some sort of a stumbling block.

I spoke with a friend of mine today and she suggested that I Google princesses wearing glasses. I got a couple of interesting blog posts and a really cool website that sells t-shirts saying "Have you ever seen a Princess in glasses before? Well here I am!"

But, I still haven't found any princesses that are wearing glasses. So, Disney...where are you? Why can't you make a princess wear glasses? How about all of you children's authors out there? No princess in glasses??? What is going on? Do I have to write my own book, have it published and write my own movie, get it animated and printed? Please let me know if any of you reading this knows of any cool princesses that wear glasses. It just seems to be one more thing that sets my sweet princess apart. I want her to know that she is beautiful just the way she is...glasses, diabetes and all.


Mom2Three said...

Great post. I saw your comment on my blog and I know that there must be so many other moms out there facing the same issue. We are still struggling, but it's getting better!

Anonymous said...

Did you ever find a place where to buy princess books or movies that have a princess wearing glasses? My daughter just started to wear glasses and she says the same thing "a princess does not wear glasses". If so please email me at gblumstein @ yahoo dot com! (I did my email this way so automated programs can't get my email address then spam me). Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Were you in my house this weekend? I had the exact conversation with my three-year-old (as well as myself)! In fact, I googled Princesses wear glasses and ended up here! Thank you for your posting...It's good to know I'm not alone. Please post anything you find you can pass along. I actually have considered writing a children's book...

Lori said...

I finally was able to sign into Blogger...I was the last anonymous poster...

Anonymous said...

Sweet Izzy, I don't know of any princess but you could get her a doll that wears glasses.

I know it's a bit expensive but American Girl has a doll that wears glasses or you can make one to look just like Izzy.

Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog and wanted to tell you that I just added a bunch of new things to my online store called "Princess In Glasses" you can find my store at I hope this helps. :)

Anonymous said...

Supposedly the version of "The Twelve Dancing Princesses" by Jane Ray has one princess in glasses.

Anonymous said...


anderrygreen said...

There is a book (I believe its even a series) about a princess who wears glasses. My daughter just started wearing glasses, and yesterday it broke my heart when she said "I dont like myself" I know that she was just referring to the glasses, but still, it was horrible to hear. She also says that "Princesses dont wear glasses". So, I was telling my sister-in-law about it, and she told me that she had a friend whos daughter had 49 surgeries on her eyes before the age of 2, and that they had to put eye drops in her eyes every hour (even through the night) for 2 years straight. The child's eyes looked horrible!! They resembled ground beef because they were lumpy, red, and swollen. My sister-in-law said that they looked just like hamburger. How horrifying. Well, you can imagine that the little girl had issues with her appearance. Either way, the mother found the book/s about the princess who wears glasses. My sister-in-law will be forwarding the information to me soon. Please contact me if you would like me to share it with you once I get it. NickoleAndersen @ att . net Send the email to that address, but dont put any spaces in it. I only typed it that way to prevent automatic spam - (Thanks to a previous post for the tip). GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!!

anderrygreen said...

There is a book series about a princess who wears glasses. My sister-in-law just told me about it. A friend of hers had a daughter who had 49 eye surgeries before age 2, and her eyes had to have anti-biotic drops in them every hour (even through the night for 2 years straight. Her eyes looked like....well it sounds horrible, but they looked like ground beef. They were all red and bumpy and swollen. Either way - my four year old just started wearing glasses, and yesterday she said "I dont like myself". My heart was broken. She says that princesses dont wear glasses. So, my sister-in-law is going to get the name of the series. Please contact me if you would like the information. nickoleandersen @ att. net (email me with no spaces in the address, I only typed it like that to preventspam - thanks for the tip previous poster). GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE PARENTS OF KIDS WITH GLASSES!!

franuk said...

I can't believe what I have been reading here, we are in England but you must be able to read our minds!
My daughter, nearly 5, was told 5 days ago she will need glasses and had a major fit, was cross, has been in denial, won't mention it etc. My immmediate thought was that she likes dressing up and Princeses, and "there are no princesses with glasses"
so over the weekend I tried to email Disney to ask why not, could they introduce one etc; it was hard to find the right place and then their "contact us" page failed - no other obvious access to them which is easy to find
anyway, I will check your site for further tips
all the best (and I have worn glasses since the age of 2)

Anonymous said...

Same here, my daughter aged 3 had hidden her glasses in the schoolgrounds, because 'princesses don't wear glasses'. As soon as I find something on princesses with glasses I will post it here, am looking everywhere...

Anonymous said...

Please do share if anyone finds any good answers for this. Actually maybe I'll see if any of my husband's Photoshop friends could mock one up. Of if anyone else knows anyone who could, post it here. Even a single picture would help!

Anonymous said...

Princesses do indeed wear glasses! My book, PRINCESS PEEPERS is coming out in September by Marshall Cavendish. Look for it at your local Barnes and Noble. But if they don't carry it, you can ask any local bookstore to order it or order it on any online bookstore like amazon.

I wrote the story for all little princesses who wear glasses. I was one, too!!!

With many hugs,

Pam Calvert

hellokittiemama said...

I am going through this exactly with my daughter and she doesn't even have the glasses on her head yet! She just got Dx'd with amblyopia and needs patches AND glasses.

Beth Cox said...


I work for a publisher called Child's Play and we publish a number of books featuring children with glasses and eye patches. We also publish book featuring incidental images of children with disabilities. Unfortunately we don't have any princesses with glasses (yet) but it is certainly something we will look into producing. We do have a fairy who wears glasses in our version of Sleeping Beauty though.

You can download our catalogue from our website (our new online shop won't be available until later this year) or find all our books on Amazon. If you would like a full list of our inclusive titles, please contact me directly through the website.

Best wishes

Beth Cox

Anonymous said...

nice article. I would love to follow you on twitter.